FAM has inducted Mohamed Shujau, former Secretary General of Addu City Council, as the acting General Secretary of the association.

The chairperson of the Normalization Committee, Ahmed Zuhoor, informed that Shujau was selected for the vacant position after deliberations with the members of the committee. The previous GS, Nahil Ahmed Siqqeeq, resigned from the post last week. FAM had stated last week that Ismail Simon, a member of the Normalization Committee, had taken over Nahil’s responsibilities for the time being.

A permanent General Secretary will be selected only under instructions of FIFA, highlighted Zuhoor. The president of the NC said that he intends to discuss the matter with FIFA in meetings to be held later this month.

Shujau has been working with the FAM for the past three months, as an employee of the Media and IT department. He served as Secretary General of the Addu City Council for two years.

The new GS of FAM achieved a Master’s Degree in Science and Technology and worked in private companies and state institutions for over 29 years.

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