The Maldives Basketball Association (MBA) has clarified that an administrative error in an RTI from the Ministry of Sports, Fitness and Recreation prompted the Anti-Corruption Commission’s inquiry into the association’s finances.

The ACC pursued the case after an individual filed a complaint on the 4th of November.

The ACC recently accepted a complaint filed by an individual citizen. The complaint pointed out two similar instances in the Sports Ministry’s RTI which mentioned the MBA secured funding for accommodation and food expenditure of two Sri Lankan clubs from the Sports Ministry which were included in the MBA’s annual reports.

One instance was on the 11th of December 2022, when MBA was allegedly funded with MRF 195,371.40 for the expenses of two Sri Lankan teams playing in the national basketball tournament. Two Sri Lankan clubs did play in the Zahir Naseer Memorial Invitational Basketball Tournament in January 2023, and the exact amount (MRF 195,371.40) was funded for the clubs’ expenses, as per the MBA annual report.

Thus the individual who filed the complaint at ACC highlighted the supposed discrepancy in MBA’s annual report, as per the RTI from MoSFR, given that no foreign teams played in the national tournament in December 2022.

The Basketball Association of Maldives has responded to the matter. The MBA’s General Secretary Visham Rasheed responded to both Mihaaru Sports and Adhadhu Sports regarding the allegations, stating that there were no discrepancies in its reporting to the ministry. He highlighted that the MBA had never invited foreign clubs to participate in national tournaments.

Speaking to Adhadhu Sports, Visham referenced a letter from the Sports Ministry clarifying that the ministry did not provide funding for the MBA in December 2022 concerning the said expenses.  The letter pointed out that funds for the costs of two Sri Lankan clubs were provided to MBA in January of 2023.


* This article has been edited for clarity and updated to correct inaccuracies



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