Valencia have been suspended after FAM president Bassam Adheel Jaleel’s various attempts to regain control of the club failed.
The FAM’s newly formed disciplinary committee first looked into Valencia’s case. The club’s case was brought to the disciplinary committee by Bassam’s close ally and former Valencia board member Hussain Waheed (Dhona).
He filed the complaint saying that the club has been suspended until the FAM can coordinate the election and appoint a new executive committee.
The FAM has tried to take control of the club since Valencia decided to support Ahmed Thoriq, who contested the January 31 election against Mufawiz Hashim.
Valencia said in a statement yesterday that the club was suspended because FAM felt they would not support Bassam again in the election to be held on 20th next month.
Including some Valencia board members there was a protest near the house of the Commissioner of Sports, Mohamed Tholaal, alleging that the board of directors was illegally and fraudulently replaced. Subsequently, the expelled board members went to the Civil Court to issue an interim order against Valencia chairman Abdullah Azmeen. However, the Civil Court did not issue the order.
After all that, the FAM today has suspended Valencia from all football activities. The FAM has decided to look into the illegal dismissal of board member Hussain Waheed (Dona) and ensure that Valencia’s affairs are carried out properly.
Valencia are to remain suspended until a new board is elected.